Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies Congratulates DMin Graduates

July 15, 2021

The Commencement Ceremony 2021 of Olivet University supplies the doctoral graduates of Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies (ZSDS) with the time of celebration. The faithful God granted exceeding fruits this time with around 50 doctoral graduates who attended the ceremony either onsite at the OU’s main campus or online worldwide. The commencement was the culmination of many years of work and the long-desired fulfillment of hope.

Doctor of Ministry graduate (Class of 2021) Jana Rebrova gave a speech on behalf of the student body of Olivet University. “We may feel that now that we finished our studies, let me take a break. Instead, let us stay determined to continue to study, challenge ourselves, let us not avoid tears and sacrifice, but in difficult times seek comfort from Jesus Christ and let us be those who always chose the difficult path, overcome and give glory to God,” Rebrova said.

The ceremony was more than a celebration of the achievement of doctoral graduates. It was an offering of thankfulness and praise to God. May God continue to bless our doctoral graduates to influence positively for the kingdom of God onward!