Distance Education

Goals & Objectives

Access & Technology – Olivet will provide access to educational opportunities via Web and off-campus locations for a diverse student population unable to participate in face-to-face academic activities at Olivet's main campus.

  • Student performance among distance learners as measured by their achievement of Olivet's educational outcomes will compare favorably to the performance of students learning at Olivet's main campus
  • Student performance among distance learners as measured by retention, attrition, and program completion rates will compare favorably compared to the performance of students learning at Olivet's main campus.
  • A significant number of distance learners will express high satisfaction with the experience.

Service – Olivet will assist faculty and academic personnel in meeting their instruction goals among the distance learning populations.

  • Distance learning will be supported by a sufficient core of administrators to accomplish institutional goals.
  • Opportunities and support for academic interaction and professional development will be sufficient to promote the well-being of all faculty and academic personnel – especially those engaged in distance education.

Advancement & Institutional Effectiveness – Olivet will ensure effective administration and accountability of distance education courses and programs.

  • Off-campus locations will receive state authorization before initiating credit-bearing course activity of any kind.
  • Policies and procedures for the oversight and administration of distance learning will be appropriate and easily accessible to the needs of users.