Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies


The tuition for the Ph.D. program and the D.Min. program can be found in the link here.

Olivet University does not offer financial aid for its programs at the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies. More information can be found in the link here.

The Ph.D. program must be completed within eight (8) years after formal acceptance into the program. In the case of D.Min. program, it must be completed within six (6) years after formal acceptance into the program.

Two doctoral programs (Ph.D. and D.Min.) are available. More information can be found in the link here.

Those students who are approved to begin the doctoral program may delay initial seminars up to a maximum of one year by submitting a formal petition to the Doctoral Council for approval. After this one year period, students must submit a written request to begin the program, along with an explanation of the changes in circumstances which will permit the student to pursue the programs. 

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies (ZSDS) may permit the transfer of up to fifteen hours of credit into its doctoral programs, subject to certain stipulations. First, the credit must have been earned in another recognized/accredited doctoral program. Second, the credit must have been earned for courses that are equivalent to courses in ZSDS’s curriculum. Transfer of credit is not automatic, but must be approved by the Registrar and the Doctoral Council.